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Poland Mining Camps, Poland, ME
Field Collecting Gemstones in Maine
Story and photography by Bob Farrar One of the most popular aspects of the gemstone hobby is collecting one’s own material in the field. Digging up an interesting rock can be exciting,...
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Essential Laidary Shop
10 Essential Tools for the Newbie Lapidary
Can you use a tile saw, a Dremel tool, and wet/dry sand paper to start your adventure into becoming a gem cutter? Sure. Ancient Egyptian lapidaries used really basic tools (think sticks,...
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Mahagony Obsidian
Recommended Polishes for Lapidary Materials
A comprehensive list of gemstones and polishing compounds found to make each stone dazzle the eye was published originally in Gem Cutters News in 1998 by Benjamin E. Schmidt. Ben was...
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Prehnite (Australia)
Lapidary for City Life & Small Spaces
Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy cutting stones. When I returned from Australia in 1985, I lived in a two-bedroom apartment. Since I didn’t have...
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I have been a lapidary for over 40 years. I cab, facet. or carve anything I find on he ground or at a gem & mineral show.

Now I want to help you learn from my mistakes…of which there have been plenty.

DROP me A NOte

Drop me a line and let me know you’d like to read in my blog. I’ll do some research and tell you all about it.

